Encompass Tallahassee
You will soon notice a mural welcoming visitors to Tallahassee’s Midtown District, which marks the launch of the 2015 Community Catalysts team’s campaign to identify and highlight Tallahassee’s landmarks, special interest districts and hidden treasures.
The Midtown mural, located on the north wall of 1351 Thomasville Rd. at Five Points, will be visible to thousands of area drivers and pedestrians daily. The mural, designed by KCCI Encompass Tallahassee team member Stefanie Kiedrewski, is the first of as many as 10 murals to be located in Tallahassee’s designated placemaking districts, which also include Downtown, FAMU, FSU, Southside, Market Square, Frenchtown, Huntington and Uptown.
EnCompass Tallahassee is supporting Tallahassee’s new wayfinding signage project, which is installing upgraded road and location signs to direct citizens and visitors to key area sites. Aiming beyond the constraints of traditional signage, the EnCompass team has created the SeeTallahassee campaign, which includes not only sense-of-place murals, but also a unique, stylized artisanal map in print and digital form, and an interactive website that will provide information about area locations, features and events.
This multi-faceted campaign supports improvement of local wayfinding systems, invests in arts-based placemaking, and inspires residents and potential residents, particularly students at local colleges and universities, as well as young professionals, to explore hidden gems across Tallahassee’s core districts by showing them unique attributes and landmarks in different districts.
The team is seeking sponsors, partners and resources for additional murals, as well as the artisanal map and website. For more information, contact team member Gayle Webb, gagawebb@comcast.net.