Who We Are

Knight Foundation launches KCCI
In 2007, the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation selected Tallahassee as a location for a pilot project partnering with renowned economist Richard Florida. The project, called the Knight Creative Communities Initiative, involved selecting 30-35 Tallahassee residents to participate in an intensive training workshop on the concepts of Florida’s book, “The Rise of the Creative Class.” These “Community Catalysts” then developed and implemented ideas based on the concepts that would improve Tallahassee’s “sense of place.” In theory, the implementation of these ideas would enhance the community’s ability to attract and retain members of the creative class which Florida’s research pointed to as a primary economic driver in thriving cities.

Tallahassee Film Festival
Tallahassee Film Festival, one of the first KCCI projects launches with great success. http://fameintally.com

Get Gaines Going
By working with community partners, this KCCI team successfully pushed up the Gaines Street redevelopment by 11 years. This resulted in the street being re-developed and now Gaines Street is a well-known “place” in Tallahassee. The redevelopment also brought in significant private development to create the vibrant “Gaines Street” and “College Town” areas in Tallahassee.

Sustainable Tallahassee
Sustainable Tallahassee, which started as KCCI’s Greenovation project, opens as a nonprofit. The organization continues to be an important asset in Tallahassee that is dedicated to promoting environmental, economic, and social sustainability through education and collaboration. For more information, visit sustainabletallahassee.org.

Explore Outdoors
The Explore Outdoors team worked with VISIT TALLAHASSEE to expand interest in outdoor activities in the Tallahassee area.

Midtown enhanced by Identify Tallahassee team
This KCCI team worked with the Midtown Merchants Association to create a plan for long-term improvements to the Midtown area, which years later is now a thriving, well-known “sense of place” in Tallahassee.

Talent Lives Here
Talent Lives Here that created a model for local businesses to develop intern programs for students from our institutions of higher education.

Tallahassee Business Resources
Tallahassee Business Resources developed a resource for small businesses to connect with individuals and companies who could help them grow and develop.

Amp Up showcases Tallahassee’s Music Scene
Amp Up Tallahassee promoted the local music scene and pushed for construction of the Fifth Avenue Plaza.

Cascades Park researched by Cultivate Cascades team
The Cultivate Cascades conducted research on Cascades Park. This research caused the team to push for a more extensive amphitheater in Cascades Park and to seek public and private partners to fund their Discovery in Cascades Park interactive play area idea.
North Monroe Street Improvements
The Gateway Tallahassee team focused on creating a new gateway into Tallahassee on N. Monroe Street. This led to that gateway becoming a new sales tax initiative project.
Bike Lanes on Franklin Boulevard
The Tallahassee on 2 Wheels team successfully advocated for bike lanes on Franklin Blvd. and partnered with the city and county to focus on improving Tallahassee’s bike friendly atmosphere.

Discovery at Cascades Park announced
Discovery at Cascades Park announced thanks to support from First Commerce Credit Union and a variety of private and public partners.

Gaines Street Opens
Major part of Gaines Street debuts

5th Avenue Plaza Opens in Midtown
Thanks in part to the efforts of the Identify Tallahassee KCCI team the much anticipated 5th Avenue Plaza in Midtown, nestled between Whataburger and the Tallahassee Board of Realtors, opened with a ribbon cutting, food trucks, craft beer, children’s activities and Live music by Catfish Alliance. With hundreds in attendance, it was a wonderful family-friendly evening.

Enhancing Lake Ella
The EllaVate team worked with neighbors around Lake Ella to make it a more attractive venue for locals. New swings were installed and new signage and a new entrance are on the way.

Sparking interest in Tallahassee’s secrets
Spark TLH worked to identify things to love in Tallahassee and created a blogsite to communicate the message to the community.

Palmer Avenue Construction Completed
The Southside Sense of Place Project worked with government to execute the construction of a new streetscape for Palmer Avenue.

Downtown Date Nights
The Downtown Sense of Place team launched the first of three “downtown date nights.” The event brought together businesses and hundreds of Tallahassee residents to showcase a unique date night.

Discovery at Cascades Park opens and draws thousands of North Florida residents
Discovery at Cascades Park, a family-oriented playscape within Cascades Park, is designed for the enjoyment of children and visitors of all ages. It features a variety of Florida environments intended to engage the senses and imagination making it a one-of-a-kind play area in North Florida.

First porch swing placed in downtown Tallahassee
The Downtown Sense of Place project funded and secured placement for Tallahassee’s first porch swing in downtown Tallahassee. The swings have become a signature element in the Tallahassee area and more are being placed throughout downtown Tallahassee.

Frenchtown Farmers Market
The Frenchtown Heritage Market team worked with partners to create a farmer’s market to help resolve the food desert in the Frenchtown area. The farmer’s market kicked off in April and they have created a plan to sustain the market.

Tallahassee Music Week
Tallahassee Music Week is partnering with local groups to create a week of live music to provide entertainment for the community and brand the local music scene while also showcasing local musical talent.