Help Set Values and Lead Vision for Tomorrow
What the Tallahassee / Leon County of tomorrow looks like is driven by the ideas of today as set forth in the Comprehensive Plan. This plan is intended to guide economic, social, physical, environmental and fiscal development of the community over the next 20 years. To ensure a unified vision, the Comprehensive Plan is a joint document adopted by both the City of Tallahassee and Leon County.
The Planning Department is seeking input from the community to help guide updates to the Comprehensive Plan. The survey is available on the homepage of and at It should take about 15 minutes to complete. The survey questions are designed to help identify community values – such as livability, equity, stewardship and more.
This project is part of the effort to update public policy related to land use and transportation. This public policy addresses how and where development occurs, how natural resources are preserved and protected, and how places are connected with roads, sidewalks, bike lanes and trails.
Additional surveys and public meetings will occur as the project progresses.
Tallahassee and Leon County jointly developed their first comprehensive plan in 1981. The Comprehensive Plan is a dynamic document that can be amended on an annual basis. Learn more about this process and the download the current Comprehensive Plan at