
Think TLH Podcast

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Think TLH 19: From Class Project to Startup Success, DivvyUp

With 350,000 pairs of custom socks sold within a few years and even more donated to charity, DivvyUp is on the fast-track for success. Their journey started with two sophomores at Florida State University, who took their school project beyond the classroom. Co-Founder Jason McIntosh shares why they chose to run their business in Tallahassee and how the community has helped their business flourish. 

Listen in and learn how a group of students turn an idea into a reality.

The Think TLH podcast is also available on all podcast platforms, such as: Apple PodcastsSpotifyGoogle PodcastsBreakerStitcherRadioPublicOvercastPodbean and Anchor.

Read about DivvyUp and the co-founders Jason McIntosh, Mitch Nelson and Spencer Bluni in 850 Magazine.