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Street Art Meets Safety Enhancement: Save the Date for Hartsfield Elementary

Thanks to Envision Credit Union Crosswalks to Classrooms is expanding to Hartsfield Elementary School. On October 7th, the community is invited to come together to help improve safety in the neighborhood by creating an artistic crosswalk leading to the school.

In partnership with Envision, The City of Tallahassee, and KCCI’s Community Catalyst class students learned about pedestrian and crosswalk safety and served as design collaborators to develop the crosswalk design.


Students at Hartsfield Elementary participated in the project by selecting colors, icons that represented their school and ultimately selected their favorite crosswalk design.

Thank you to Envision Credit Union and community partners for making Crosswalks to Classrooms possible at Hartsfield Elementary and throughout Leon County Schools!

Thank you to our many C2C Sponsors.