Robin Johnston is founder of Motivation Design Group, a training and development company that helps nonprofit organizations raise more money by engaging their boards and fundraising-oriented volunteers.
As Vice President for Institutional Advancement and Foundation Executive Director for Tallahassee Community College from 2006 to 2014, Robin oversaw all fundraising and advancement initiatives with the exception of grant-writing.
A Certified Management Consultant, Robin dropped out of high school at age 17 to start his first business. He has earned an MBA in marketing and corporate strategy from the University of Toronto, and is currently working on a Ph.D. in Instructional Systems Design at Florida State University.
Robin’s diverse career includes having been a successful distribution & logistics entrepreneur, City Commissioner, property & casualty insurance broker, software company chief marketing officer, management consultant and professional speaker. His book, “Lead Generation Handbook: 63 Ways You Might Not Have Thought Of To Get More Prospects, More Quickly, At Less Cost,” was published in 2006.
He is an instrument-rated private pilot, and is steadily knocking off the requirements to earn his commercial pilot license.