Proposed Destination Bicycle Park
The 2020 volunteer Catalyst Class has designed and proposed a family-oriented, educational, Bicycle Park for a future park space near Market District. This feature is something that could possibly be integrated within the overall public park design that Blueprint is handling.
The team’s design concept proposal, as it currently stands, stems from community feedback. The number of people providing feedback grows daily and the KCCI team is grateful for those who have already helped shape the future of this proposal. We continue welcoming feedback as community input is what makes KCCI projects so successful.
Community conversations initially directed the team to the Market District as a possible location. Market District is an accessible location, near I-10 and Thomasville Road. It is directly connected to our world-class trails network, would provide a community space in an area now lacking one, and would promote economic vitality of the numerous small and local businesses in the Market District. The close proximity to many neighborhoods, families and schools elevated the location further, as the park could be enjoyed by many families and children for years to come.
The Bicycle Park design is still in the beginning concept stages, and we are looking forward to see how this can become a new feature in Tallahassee/Leon County. The team’s Bicycle Park proposal near Market District aims to improve cycling safety and improve public health. Read more about the proposal, and the 2020 placemaking cycling focus, here.