

5th Avenue_Frank Dietrick

Artful Infrastructure Installed

As part of the City of Tallahassee’s Artful Infrastructure Program, new public art installations on traffic control boxes are underway during KCCI’s 3rd Annual Placemaking Week.

The colorful program, found throughout the City, expands on “Art of the Box,” a successful pilot program between the City of Tallahassee and KCCI, to enhance streetscapes and bring art outdoors into our community.

The KCCI 2021 Community Catalyst team was excited that the City of Tallahassee Commission unanimously approved the City’s Artful Infrastructure Program concept in April 2021, which paved the way for more artistic infrastructure projects like the boxes you see going up around the City.

Enjoy this beautiful weather and see where you spot the next artful box showcasing artwork from local Tallahassee artists.