KCCI Community Catalysts Unveil Musical Project
KCCI Community Catalysts Unveil Musical Project
Private/public partnership features tutti, grand marimba table, thunder drums, pentatonic tempo, and tubular bells
Wednesday, July 13, 2022 – The Knight Creative Communities Institute (KCCI) Red Hills Rhythm volunteer Community Catalyst team celebrates the installation of the Red Hills Rhythm musical parklet within Coal Chute Pond Park on FAMU Way. The musical parklet features an ensemble of instruments for people of all ages to play, create and enjoy music at one of Tallahassee’s newest community parks.
Musical instruments adorn the Red Hills Rhythm parklet, including a tutti, grand marimba table, thunder drums, pentatonic tempo, and tubular bells, which are ADA accessible, located near seating, and decorative landscaping. The musical instruments are intended to be played by users of all ages and abilities.
“We are thrilled to see the opening of this new musical parklet that marries play, music, and public access,” said Betsy Couch, KCCI Executive Director. “This new musical play place provides a safe space to play outside while incorporating musical interests thanks to our generous private sponsors, KCCI Community Catalyst volunteers, and the support of governmental leaders at Blueprint, Leon County Government and the City of Tallahassee.”
The Red Hills musical parklet was sponsored by Enclaves at College Town, OliverSperry Renovation, Mike & Judy Pate, and Tim Hare. Members of the 2019 KCCI Red Hills Rhythm Community Catalyst team donated their time to envision, design, and fundraise for this musical parklet. The KCCI team includes: Brad Ashwell, Susan Baldino, Tatiana Daguillard, Emily Ely, Calla MacNamara, Kendra Mitchell, “Kip” David Ritchey, Jesse Taylor, Lauren Wallace, Dara Wilson, Chelsea Workman, Joey Arellano; with support from Betsy Couch and Mike Pate.
The Red Hills musical parklet was incorporated into the overall design of the Leon County – City of Tallahassee Blueprint Intergovernmental Agency Coal Chute Pond Park project along Cascades Trail. The musical parklet will be maintained by City of Tallahassee Community Beautification and Waste Management.
“Partnerships between government entities and nonprofit organizations, like Blueprint and KCCI respectively, are important catalysts to generate welcomed improvements to our community,” said City of Tallahassee Mayor John Dailey. “I’m excited to see families, residents, and visitors of all ages benefit from these musical features.
The Red Hills Rhythm musical parklet was designed by Architects Lewis + Whitlock Designer and KCCI Community Catalyst Emily Ely with input from the 2019 KCCI Community Catalyst team and more than 700 citizens.
“Red Hills Rhythm introduces an interactive musical landscape that will help activate Coal Chute Pond with an array of percussive instruments that greets visitors and invites them to play along,” said Susan Baldino, a 2019 KCCI Community Catalyst.
“Blueprint cultivates thoughtful and meaningful projects by recognizing opportunities to enhance community experiences through blending arts and recreation. Through close collaboration with KCCI, Blueprint was able to incorporate the Red Hills Rhythm musical parklet into Coal Chute Pond Park. This new, creative public space is a place where residents can come together and enjoy themselves,” said Autumn Calder, Blueprint Director.
Red Hills Rhythm musical parklet is located at 810 FAMU Way in Tallahassee, within the Coal Chute Pond Park. This park provides a recreational space for citizens to enjoy with a walking trail, lighting, seating, interactive musical instruments and cell phone charging stations. Coal Chute Pond is part of Blueprint’s Capital Cascades Trail Segment 3 Amenities project.
“Every sound is in harmony, and all the instruments are in harmony with each other, so it makes a pleasant sound no matter what,” said Brad Ashwell, KCCI Community Catalyst and local musician.
For more information about Leon County and City of Tallahassee parks, playgrounds and locations, visit https://www.talgov.com/parks/parks. For more information about KCCI and past KCCI Community Catalyst projects, visit KCCITallahassee.com.
ABOUT KCCI: Established in 2007, KCCI is a local organization committed to positive placemaking and community collaboration in Tallahassee. KCCI projects involve a variety of public and private partners and have generated nearly $1 billion in economic impact for Leon County. A new group of volunteer Community Catalysts is selected to plan and implement each annual project. KCCI is currently made possible by partners including: Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare, VyStar Credit Union, Taproot, FAMU School of Business and Industry, FSU College of Business, NAI Talcor, Structure Real Estate, Nolia & Bill Brandt, Architects Lewis + Whitlock, Wood + Partners, Brown & Brown, BowStern Marketing, Serena & Jon Moyle, Cassidy and Company, Tharpe Construction, Flightline Group, Inc., Drs. Chaney, Couch, Callaway, Carter and Associates Family Dentistry, Charlie Johnson, Knight Foundation Fund at the Community Foundation of North Florida, and Archibald Foundation.