KCCI's Waterworks team is making headway with the City granting approving funds. This is the first step toward a new beginning for the 100-year-old building. See what the team has to say about the building.
Women Who Mean Business Magazine talks about various local organizations that you can get involved in, such as becoming a Catalyst for KCCI. Check out page 47 for more details.
Congratulations to Althemese Barnes, winner of the Evelyn Fortune Bartlett Award from the Florida Trust for Historic Preservation. Althemese is on the 2016 Reimagining Waterworks Catalyst team. Read about some of her many accomplishments.
KCCI would like to congratulate Rebekka Wade, a 2013-2014 Downtown Sense of Place Catalyst, as she has been named the new vice president/ chief operations officer of the Tallahassee Museum.
Congrats to Paige Carter-Smith, our co-chairwoman from the 2015 Catalyst Class for EnCompass Tallahassee, who has been hired as the new top official for the Tallahassee Downtown Improvement Authority. Read more about Paige and what TDIA has planned.
From restoring a deserted historic building to programs enhancing student talent and startups, the Boulder 2015 trip inspired projects that are now being implemented in Tallahassee.
The Knight Creative Communities Institute is constantly striving to unite members of the community in the effort to enhance Tallahassee’s opportunities, create sustainable change and work to retain and harness the talent of the “creative class.”
KCCI Executive Director Betsy Couch attended this year's 'Speed Date Your Local Leaders' event put on by Village Square. Read why the Tallahassee Democrat thought KCCI earned a "second date."