Years: 2022
KCCI led an engaging week of hands-on community building, legacy building, and innovative social events. To enhance sense of place in Tallahassee more than 1,000 people of all ages and backgrounds participated week that was filled with creativity, art, and collaboration.

2022 Events Included:
Crosswalks to Classrooms
Saturday, Sept. 24
Location | Outside Kate Sullivan Elementary School & Cobb Middle School
Students and neighbors worked under the leadership of a professional artist improve safety and aesthetics with colorful crosswalks. Click here for more information. This project is made possible thanks to the partnership with KCCI, City of Tallahassee, Foundation for Leon County Schools, and Kate Sullivan Elementary, Elizabeth Cobb Middle, and the Knight Foundation.
Wander & Wonder | Fort Braden
Thursday, Sept. 8 | 10 a.m.
Location | 16327 Blountstown Hwy
Students from nearby Fort Braden School joined KCCI’s team and community members in unveiling the Wander & Wonder trail via a unique field trip. Explore one of Leon County’s newest trails, the playground and library, and discover a unique literary experience at this location. This Wander & Wonder trail was made possible as part of KCCI’s 2022 Community Catalyst team’s Fully Booked project.

Art of the Box Expands to Pedrick Pond Park
Wednesday, Sept. 14 | 5:30 p.m.
Location | Pedrick Pond Park
Art of the Box continues to expand. We celebrated student artist, Camryn Whitley and her artwork on the newest Art of the Box, located off Pedrick Road, by Pedrick Pond Park and the Library. You can adopt your own Art of the Box via Leon County Government or via the City of Tallahassee’s Artful Infrastructure.
Hop for Hope
Saturday, Sept. 17 | 9 a.m.
Location | HOPE Community, 2729 W Pensacola Street
“Hop for Hope” improved morale and built connections between HOPE Community residents and the community. This unique partnership between KCCI and The Junior League of Tallahassee beautified the central area of the campus and brought bright splashes of color to the central sidewalk, pavilion, picnic tables, playground area. Approximately 75 people came out with paintbrushes and gardening tools to help brighten the lives of others. Thanks to book donations we were also able to fill the little library on campus with educational and professional development books.

Wander & Wonder | Woodville Location
Thursday, Sept. 22 | 10 a.m.
Location | Woodville Sports Complex
With much fanfare and 102 students we celebrated the new Woodville Wander & Wonder Trail. This was the kids first field trip in years (due to COVID) and was an experience they will never forget. They were the first participants of the new trail created and the new Wander & Wonder book. They were most excited about their goodie bags that included frisbees, water bottles, books, and bookmarks. Thank you to Friends of the LeRoy Collins Library and KCCI’s 2022 team for making this special day and field trip happen.

Fully Booked at Pedrick Pond
Ongoing all week
Location | Pedrick Pond Park, 1583 Pedrick Road
Enjoy this Wander & Wander outdoor reading adventure. The trail was made possible through a partnership among Leon County Government, Leon County Libraries, Friends of the Leon County Public Library, and the Knight Creative Communities Institute (KCCI). Explore nature and your imagination as you follow the trail of pages and read along. Pause to enjoy the scenery {or a good book} on the book benches or in the hammock garden.

Placemaking Week is made possible by the generosity of individuals and businesses that understand the value of building community.