Years: 2020
The Market Street visioning project worked to accelerate ongoing efforts to enhance the Market Street area as a thriving pedestrian-friendly, accessible shopping, dining, entertainment and business district.
After a year and a half visioning process between 2019-2020, the Road Map to Success: Market Street Visioning Summary Report was produced and showcases recommended placemaking improvements for the area. KCCI’s Executive Director created it with involvement from Center for Active Design, thanks to funding from a private grant from the Knight Foundation.
The visioning process and report united area businesses resulting in the revitalized Market District Association by early 2021. To learn more about the MDA click here.
Research shows that people are now choosing where to live before choosing where to work. Making Market Street a thriving, vibrant area with a strong sense of place can encourage members of the creative sector to locate in the region. It results in job growth and improved economic vitality for Leon County.
You can read the Road Map to Success here: Market Street Visioning Report.
If you are interested in being part of the Market District Association, please contact Sam Varn of Awards4U at For any other questions about the report or to get involved, contact Betsy Couch of KCCI or Jay Foster of Canopy Software on Market Street at
Since the Market Street Visioning Report was issued in early 2021, the Market District Business Association has successfully completed an updated branding process for Market District and advocated for branded district markers. They collaborated with the City of Tallahassee to make the Market Street mid-street crosswalk a reality and saw the crosswalks re-painted, which enhanced safety. The Greetings from TLH Mural was painted on private property, special events have been held, and pedestrian improvements are being put in place. More improvements continue to happen as public and private partners collaboratively work together. Bank of America has provided an additional grant for upcoming public space improvements in the area.